My Disney Frozen Sisters Mini Quilt
Afraid that I made this quilt up as I went along... First one of this kind that I ever made up. It is a pannel quilt... It is only my 3rd quilt. All 3 were made up within the past 5 years... With about 60 years of sewing under my belt, I just used common sense when working on all of them. Showing the finished mini quilt by laying it on the couch Actually, with the first two, used my Brother SE350 as shown below with my first one, the Strawberry Cake quilt. I used the design on the back for making straight line sewing on the whole quilt, not like the Disney Frozen Sisters mini quilt, with changing directions, etc. The second quilt had the same backing as the first one, but, in yellow, and done up the same way as the first one. See both of them on my other (older) blog, Did not take any photos until I was ready to put th...